
Laurel Hill Cemetery News - 02-19-2025

This is the first of what is planned to be regular updates on Laurel Hill Cemetery and St. Paul Mausoleum.

  • Late last year, we engaged Art Stanley Paving to resurface the area in most need, the first cross-road up the hill entering through the main entrance.
  • The door lock on the mausoleum broke down for the final time some months ago. Replacement parts are no longer available. We hope to replace this with a time-based lock as at many other mausoleums, contractors in this field are now hard to come by. In the meantime there is a simple bracket to hold the door closed on windy days.
  • The leaking skylight and other roof issues were part of the parish-wide roof engineering study done in Oct 2023. After completing high priority projects at the school and both churches, the mausoleum is next. The engineering phase was begun on February 18, after designs are complete will come bids and repairs!
  • If the timetable for roof repairs is protracted, a tarp will be used to cover the skylight to reduce further drips in the lobby area.

First Friday Holy Hour: As a parish, we will be having First Friday Holy Hours each month at alternating churches. Check the bulletin for location! Holy Hour begins at 7:00 PM. Please come and join us in prayer.

Candle Offerings and Remembrances: Please download and print this form for any candle offerings and remembrances you would like to request.

form Download

College Connection: 80% of Catholics who stopped practicing their faith do so before their 23rd birthday, most while in college. See this link for College Connection by Real Life Catholic.


Our Parish is in need of altar servers (adult servers typically assist with funeral masses).  If you have any questions you can e-mail Deacon Walter at


Please see the Religious Education Page on the website for details. Cancellations will be posted on the Parish website.

Volunteers are always welcomed! Please consider giving your time and talent to help educate our children in the Catholic Faith. Contact the office at or 609-386-1645, ext. 215.


The Knights of Columbus 589 is located at 360 E. Broad St, Burlington. Membership in the Order is open to practicing Catholic males over the age of 18 and is in good standing in the Catholic Church. We welcome you to join the leading organization of Catholic laymen. Come see just what we are all about and take the first step to enhance your personal life. More info on our website:


Sunday Bingo is back...with a new time!

in the St. Paul School building

Doors open at 4:00 PM

"Early Bird" starts at 5:50 PM

Regular games at 6:00 PM

Snacks and food are available. 

For more information, please contact

Come to Me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you Rest. Matthew 11:28

SKD Consolation Ministry

If you have experienced a loss,

please join us on a “Healing Journey”

Monday, November 6, 2023 ~ 6:30 pm

"Mary's Journey"


Presenter ~ Pat Pinto


The Parish of St. Katharine Drexel offers parishioners the availability to make donations to the parish in memory of your loved ones all year long. Donations begin at $10. A donation card can be given to the family of the deceased at the viewing at the funeral home prior to the Prayer Service or before a funeral Mass at Church. Donation cards can also be mailed to the family of the deceased. Donations from our Memorial Fund are used to help with repairs or improvements to both our Churches, as well as purchases of such things as: new altar linens, vestments for the priests or deacons, new albs for the altar servers, baby bibs for baptisms, candles for the altars, or refinishing of our religious appointments. Donations can be made at the Parish Office or they can be requested by mail. Memorial donations are a beautiful way to have the good works of your loved ones continued with the Church.

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