Summer Academy

Our Summer Academy is a wonderful part our Religious Education Program. Grades 1 through 8 in this intensive program meet for 2 weeks during the summer (usually late July into early August), 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, Monday-Friday) in the St. Paul School building at 250 James Street in Burlington.

Due to the intense nature of this program, it is imperative that students attend weekly Mass. For students registered at another parish, the Office of Religious Education requires verification from the family’s pastor confirming regular Mass attendance.


Students are expected to attend 1st through 8th grades to ensure they receive a thorough education in the Catholic faith. Sacramental Preparation for first Reconciliation, first Communion and Confirmation is a 2-year commitment, meaning a child must complete a full year of catechism before they enter their sacramental year of preparation. 

Our 2024 - 2025 Faith in Action evening classes for Summer Academy students are scheduled for Tuesdays: October 22nd, November 19th, February 18 and March 18 from 6:00 - 7:15 pm. All summer program students are expected to attend our four evening classes.

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Volunteers are needed!  In an effort to keep our class sizes small, we are in need of catechists (teachers), aides, hall monitors and substitutes. Confirmation candidates and Honor Society students could earn their required service hours as aides, monitors, etc. We like to have a teacher’s assistant in every classroom to ensure that our students stay focused and get the personal attention they may need. Please prayerfully consider supporting our program in this way. Training sessions will take place during the spring and early summer. This is also a great opportunity for you to learn more about your faith. There is no better way to learn about Christ than through the questions of a child!


For the safety of our children, all adult volunteers (18 years and older) are required to be fingerprinted for a criminal background check and attend a Virtus/Safe Environment session. Please call the Rel Ed office for details.


Religious Education Office:

250 James Street, Burlington, NJ 08016

609-386-1645, est. 215

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